Monthly Archives: April 2012

Fundraising event tomorrow…

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Our awesome event is tomorrow. We will be busy doing stuff to get ready. But first we have to figure out how to get water out of the well. For event details read here:
If you arrive anywhere between 7.15pm-830pm we will have two ridiculously goodlooking volunteers awaiting you and will buzz you up personally (what service). Southbank, Melbourne. Exact details will be given to those that tell us they are coming.
The traditional Khmer food on the night will be:
Organic Khmer Curry (YUMMY)
Spring rolls
Curry Puffs
Rice and Bread (to accompany curry)
Rice noodle salad with mint leaves (refreshing)
A special BabyTree Khmer Dessert
Cupcakes (by Sally Suy!)
Soft drinks, Beer, Wine
All that for $30...seriously you spend more and get much less these days.
Special cocktails will be available at $2 a glass.
Other activities:
-Wine tasting (get your taste buds ready)
-Our presentaion 930pm (photos and video to show you that the school has been built)
-Lolly Jar guessing game
-Silent auction
-Hoodies & Tshirts and other merchandise for sale
-Feel free to donate extra ($30 buys four desks and chairs!)
If you would like to pay before hand please transfer money to:
BabyTreeProjects Inc.
BSB: 033077
Account Number: 240337
Otherwise you can pay on the night. Your names are at the door.
If you are bring a plus one please let us know for catering purposes.
Dress to ties needed...imagine a first date...
Any problems finding the place please call Koky on 0426 270 634

Volunteer Life in Pictures #25

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Volunteer Life in Pictures #25: What the hell are these people doing, you ask? That little four wall thing they are brick-laying is going to be the tiniest school ever, you say? Well, it's actually a flowerbed! We did five of these, and for most of the volunteers it was their first time mixing cement and brick-laying. Good practice for the real deal, when they started building the walls of the actual school. See, we know what we are doing.

Next Fundraiser in Melbourne

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Hi All!

BabyTree’s fundraiser is this Saturday! This is what will happen. If it excites you text/comment for our secret address 🙂

The traditional Khmer food on the night will be:
Organic Khmer Curry (YUMMY)
Spring rolls
Curry Puffs
Rice and Bread (to accompany curry)
Rice noodle salad with mint leaves (refreshing)
A special BabyTree Khmer Dessert
Cupcakes (by Sally Suy!)
Soft drinks, Beer, Wine

All that for $30…seriously you spend more and get much less these days.

Special cocktails will be available at $2 a glass.

Other activities:
-Wine tasting (get your taste buds ready)
-Our presentaion 930pm (photos and video to show you that the school has been built)
-Lolly Jar guessing game
-Silent auction
-Hoodies & Tshirts and other merchandise for sale
-Feel free to donate extra ($30 buys four desks and chairs!)

If you would like to pay before hand please transfer money to:

BabyTreeProjects Inc.
BSB: 033077
Account Number: 240337

Otherwise you can pay on the night. Your names are at the door.
If you are bring a plus one please let us know for catering purposes.

Dress to impress…no ties needed…imagine a first date…

Any problems finding the place please call Koky on 0426 270 634

It’ll be fun……

Volunteer Life in Pictures #24

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Volunteer Life in Pictures #24: Sometimes our volunteers get written about for their amazing work with us. Read about Claire (our treasurer) talking about BabyTree Projects in this magazine. As always, when Claire talks, it's riveting stuff.

What I used to change the world…

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There is a reason why hope is an integral part of our vision. This video may help explain why…




Volunteer Life in Pictures #23

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Volunteer Life in Pictures #23: The kids are standing in the middle of the main road of their village. It's 7am in the morning. They have 'showered', combed their hair and their uniform is crisp and clean. In their hands they hold a poster that they have created. A letter on each. When they stand together the letters spell out HOPE. Once I tried to explain to a past volunteer the importance of hope, and what it meant for me and the children. That it is more than just a feeling. I failed him because he left. It was hope that my mum used to survive 3years in a prison camp. Hope that there will be people somewhere who cared enough to help her. Hope that their was good in the very people that imprisoned her. Hope that things will change. These kids are filled with the same kind of hope and it helps them survive. There is nothing wrong with that.

Volunteer Life in Pictures #22

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Volunteer Life in Pictures #22: These volunteers did a naughty thing. We are supposed to cook our own meals while living in the village. But sometimes, things get in the way, like being really tired, no charcoal to start a fire, no oil etc etc. You wouldn't believe this but there are restaurants in small, isolated villages in Cambodia. We usually call them the only restaurant in the village. So if we get desperate we will go to one of these 'restaurants' and buy our meal. They only have one item on the menu and it's usually noodles for 75cents.

Volunteer Life in Pictures #21

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Volunteer Life in Pictures #21: Because our volunteers are rigorously tested before being accepted into our prestigious volunteer program we get some very athletic people. This leads to some fairly physical sports classes with the students. You can tell we are telling the truth by looking at our volunteers demonstrating a variation to the game Tunnel Ball. The students look on in amazement and wonder.