From little things, big things grow. Since BabyTree Projects first started growing in 2007, with the support of generous people across the globe, we have built five schools in rural Cambodia.
In 2015 we moved into a new phase of our vision to help children in rural Cambodia access quality education. Because quality education isn’t just about a school building. It’s about skilled teachers and a strong community. It’s about ongoing relationships.
This is why we decided to focus our energies on further developing quality education in our five existing schools. We won’t be building any new schools for the foreseeable future – because we want to focus on those we have already helped create.
Discover more about the BabyTree school projects in rural Cambodia.
Creating a safe place for children to attend school is not all we do. We need to support teachers to be the best teachers they can be. We need to provide facilities and materials such as libraries, books and stationery. There is clothing and uniforms to consider. Access to clean drinking water, food security and sanitation, and also the enrichment of the curriculum to include English.
Then there are the less tangible, immeasurable (almost) work we do in instilling in each child we work with the importance of hope, the belief in a better world and knowledge that the pursuit of their dreams is not a futile journey, but rather critically essential, in a life valued and lived to the fullest. We know, as evidenced by all the support we have, that the sight of a child pursuing their dreams has the ability to hold and move people into action.
We have witnessed how a child holding onto hope and reaching out fervently for their impossible dreams, somehow causes other children and people, from all over the world, to reach out to them. Until their hands are joined together, and then, something beautiful happens. They learn that together they can change the world.